Service Desk manages maintenance in facility management organisations.

Having a maintenance request management system avoids the risk of losing customers’ requests, confusing their priorities, and having unsatisfied customers who often find themselves in trouble or experience delays in getting their problems fixed. Inevitably, a situation of chaos in request management also leads to unsatisfied technical support staff.

In the maintenance management process, service companies need a specific system that allows their simple, fast and correct annotation and constant tracking in all its phases.

Efficient and controlled ticket management

TESIS Service Desk is a service request management system that allows one to have information constantly available to quickly direct assistance to the appropriate technical personnel.

TESIS Service Desk allows one to check the state of progress, a work carried out, the quality of the service provided and compliance with what customers expect or what is required by agreements with external service providers.

Four of its main features

Versatility and configurability
With its powerful configuration capability, Tesis Service Desk facilitates the organisation and standardisation of the flow of customer service request, even in complex companies consisting in several locations, subsidiaries, and both domestic and foreign sites.

Quick integration with other technical services
Tesis integrates with Active Directory and LDAP to enable rapid user identification. Through an automatic email system, Tesis allows simple communication with customers, both in opening tickets and in communicating the state of their progress. Tesis can be integrated with accounting management programmes, optimising administrative processes as well, including, for example, the issuing of service invoices.

High customisation
Tesis Service Desk is able to scan and read the company’s standard ticket management process and adapt to it. In just a few quick steps, the process is visualized in Tesis and the various users are immediately rendered active.

Thanks to the user friendliness, it is possible to collect data in real time, to quickly share the necessary information and to objectively visualized the quality of the work carried out by the technicians, both in terms of speed of response and prompt problem resolution.

Tesis Service Desk features

How can you make your IT organisation dynamic and efficient?

By managing and monitoring activities through TESIS, IT team collaboration is optimised, enabling the team to enjoy efficient communication and agile operations, regardless of where its members are. With the use of smartphones and tablets in the internet, managers can assess trends and intervene at any time and from any place.

Further advantages for your organisation

  • Compliance with ITIL best practice reccomendations

  • Skills mapping

  • Tasks and the assignment of activities are subdivided

  • Skills mapping

  • Users are alerted to a acceptance of tickets

  • Evidence of work progress is provided

  • Monitoring of external suppliers

  • Contact and process automatisation

  • Machine learning and continuous improvement

  • Resource optimisation

How can you develop an efficient ticket management process? Contact us